Welcome To Jubilee Dollar

Our Mission

(1.) To end financial slavery. It is no secret that large corporations around the world "farm out" production of their products in poor countries so they can reap big profits at the expense of the laborers. When many of these people earn less than US$2.50 a day they have no hope of breaking the poverty cycle. The excuse given by the big corporations is that they are providing jobs, as if that justify's what they pay those people. They also claim they have no control of that because they contract local companies who pay those employees peanuts. That is a smokescreen because their contracts are based on very cheap production costs and they do not hold their suppliers with any kind of accountability as to how they produce the end products. The reality is that the cost of production is primarily bourne by the employees who admittedly are desperate because they have no options and these corporations take advantage of them because they are poor and desperate. The Jubilee Dollar will change all of that.

(2.) To establish a new digital world currency not controlled by any country or government, that is stable and trustworthy. To that end the Jubilee dollar is based on a weighted average of 7 major world currencies, making it more stable than any single currency including the US dollar. By having a single country's currency as the world reserve currency the entire world is affected by that single economy. That is both unfair and dangerous.

(3.) To eliminate poverty world-wide through establishing a fair wage for equal work regardless of where a person lives.Poor nations remain so because people living there are paid almost nothing for their labour and rich countries take advantage of them. This must be changed and our goal is to do just that through investment and loan incentives to employers world-wide.We are actually pro-business and profit but not at the expense of laborers. There are other ways to generate wealth. In the long term by helping these nations prosper, the capitalists can expand their markets and sell more products and as we know volume is often the key to success and steady profits.

(4.) To develop a new debit/credit card platform that will utilize the Jubilee dollar for payments which can be integrated with current point of sale systems for merchants world-wide.

(5.) To make loans and banking services available to everyone world-wide. Many poor nations remain so because they do not provide equal access to loans or banking services. Through Jubilee dollar we will make this available everywhere and to everyone.